Friday 6 June 2008

Tatum O'Neal Seeks Help For Alcohol Addiction

Just days after being nicked in an apparent drugs raid, Tatum O’Neal is now seeking treatment for alcohol addiction. That dog of hers has sure done a lot of damage.

The 44-year-old was charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanour offence after she was arrested by a narcotics team on Sunday night for exchanging money with a man for cocaine three blocks from her New York home.

Oscar-winning O'Neal has now enrolled at a local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) therapy group in a bid to help kick her addictions.

She was photographed on her way to a session on Tuesday, telling the New York Daily News: "I'm doing very well. I'm going to an AA meeting."

Referring to the weekend's troubles she adds: "The whole thing is regrettable. What's good in what I did?"

The former child star, chronicled her recovery from a heroin addiction in her 2004 book A Paper Life.